Slandering and gossiping about people
can kill their reputations and ruin their lives and you can effectively kill
their potential with your dagger-like tongue. The Talmud teaches that “evil gossip kills three: the one who says
it, the one who listens, and the subject of the gossip.” A person may commit many sins but gossiping puts
one in a dangerous situation, the sages teach that all of one’s gossiping words
come as a prosecuting angel against the gossiper in the Heavenly Court pleading
for the person’s destruction.
Back to the killing fields, know that wasting
semen is a Torah prohibition according to all authorities and the Talmud says
it is tantamount to murder. We may they think the rabbis are exaggerating, as
we always do when we hate what they tell us, except that we see in the Torah
that God Himself kills Judah’s sons Er and Onan for the sin of spilling seed.
For certain a person is not allowed to
kill himself either by suicide or by seriously neglecting his health which
could lead to death. The Rambam teaches that a person’s body is not his own: we
must take the upmost care and be vigilant custodians of our well-being until
God decides to call us home. “Human life
is so precious that even closing the eyes of a dying person, hastening death by
mere seconds, makes one a full-fledged murderer and liable to the same
punishment as one who killed a healthy individual”(Semachot 1:4). Judaism even prohibits
self-incrimination if the death penalty is in consideration and a person cannot
be a witness against himself.
In the spiritual realm, according to
the Kabbalah, every time we sin we are in fact guilty of killing and spilling
the blood of our Godly soul and feeding it into our animal soul. [via Rabbi
Aaron Raskin]. So, did you pass the test?
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